Get to know Faye MacGregor

Introducing Faye MacGregor, General Manager at All Good. Faye is deeply committed to her role, having observed firsthand the company’s positive impact on people and the planet over the past fifteen years. Faye shares how her and the All Good team balance growth with their commitment to ethical practices as well as her experience visiting farmers in El Guapo. Faye is an exceptional leader and a passionate advocate for sustainability.

Tell me something that excites you about your role or company. 

What excites me is that All Good has made a positive impact on both people and the planet over the past fifteen years. Our dedication to Fairtrade principles means that we are not only providing delicious and sustainable bananas but also ensuring that the farmers who grow them receive fair wages and work in safe conditions. It’s truly inspiring to be part of a company that prioritises ethical practices and sustainability at every step of the supply chain from farm to store. And, in 2024 we are increasing our New Zealand impact working with local oat farmers and manufacturing our oat milk in Auckland New Zealand further reducing our climate footprint for the future of the business. 


What are your organisation’s sustainability priorities? 

At All Good Bananas, our sustainability priorities are centred around three main pillars: environmental responsibility, social equity, and economic viability. We strive to minimise our carbon footprint by employing sustainable farming practices, reducing waste, and promoting biodiversity. Socially, we are committed to improving the livelihoods of our farmers through Fairtrade certification, ensuring fair wages, and supporting community development projects. Economically, we aim to create a resilient business model that can sustain these initiatives long-term, ensuring that our impact is both significant and lasting in our grower communities. 


What are the key challenges in achieving them, and what kind of leadership do you demonstrate? 

One of the key challenges in achieving our sustainability goals is balancing the need for growth with our commitment to ethical practices. Navigating market demands while staying true to All Good’s core values requires innovative thinking and a willingness to challenge the status quo. As a leader, I strive to demonstrate transparency, collaboration, and adaptability. I believe in leading by example, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and empowering my team to take ownership of our sustainability initiatives. By maintaining open communication and encouraging creative solutions, we can overcome obstacles and drive meaningful change. 


Can you share a career highlight with us? 

A significant career highlight for me was visiting the All Good Banana farmers in El Guabo in 2019. Seeing the various social and environmental projects, meeting the farmers, and being in the jungle to witness firsthand how bananas are grown was truly life-changing. During this trip, I met a remarkable woman who had lost her husband and taken over running the banana farm to provide for her three daughters. Hearing her story and witnessing her strength and commitment was incredibly touching and inspiring. Female empowerment is very important to me, and her resilience reinforced my dedication to supporting initiatives that uplift and empower women. This experience deepened my appreciation for the hard work and dedication of our farmers and reinforced my commitment to ensuring that our business practices support their well-being and promote sustainable development. 

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