Resources, reports and policies

Fairtrade has done all the leg work for you. Here you can access all the monitoring and evaluation information you may need, as well reports, research and much more!

General reports

2023 Generic Impact Report
Generic ANZ Impact Report 2024
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Focus on the Fairtrade regions: The wider-Pacific
Monitoring pacific cover
Fairtrade impact study in coffee communities in PNG
Website Resource – Portrait cover images (58)
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Fairtrade and Climate Change - October 2021
Fairtrade and climate change_
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Global Strategy Summary 2021-2025
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How does Fairtrade mitigate human rights violations in global supply chains?
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Colmar Brunton Better Futures 2021 Report
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Five Critical Outcomes on the Road to Recovery
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Climate Academy Guide 2020
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A Brewing Storm: The Climate Change Risks to Coffee | Se aproxima una tormenta (Spanish)
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Transforming Trade, Transforming Lives
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Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through Trade
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Fairtrade and the Commonwealth: Five-point plan for prosperity, sustainability and fairness
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Monitoring and evaluation reports

Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade - Tenth Edition - 2019
10th edition
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Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade - Ninth Edition - 2018
9th edition
Learn more
Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade - Seventh Edition - 2015
7th edition
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Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade = Sixth Edition - 2014
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Licensee information

Commitment to Fairtrade policy Download PDF
Standard Operating Procedure for Certification Download PDF
Licensee Application Form Download PDF
Trader Application Form Download PDF
Trader Standard Learn more
Fairtrade Mark Guidelines Download PDF
Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient (FSI) Mark Guidelines Download PDF
Fairtrade Cotton Mark Manual Download PDF

General policies

Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure
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Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy
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Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy
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Environment Policy
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Whistleblowing Protection Policy
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Producer support relations policies

Capacity Building Policy Download PDF
Gender Equity Policy Download PDF
Partnerships Policy Download PDF

Information management policies

Transparency and Open Information Policy Download PDF
The Benefits of Fairtrade - 2007 Download PDF
Privacy Policy Download PDF

Annual reports and audited accounts

Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Annual Report 2022
Fairtrade Annual Report 2022
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Annual Report 2020-2021
Website Resource – Portrait cover images (59)
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Annual Report 2019-2020
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Annual Report 2018-2019
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Audited Accounts 2021-2022
Fairtrade_Audited Acounts Statement_Image_Template
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Audited Accounts 2020-2021
Website Resource – Portrait cover images (60)
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Audited Accounts 2018-2019
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Fairtrade Australia New Zealand Audited Accounts 2017-2018
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