We are different from the rest.

Fairtrade is 50% owned by farmers and producers which means systemic change and development is informed by the voices who know best.

This Fairtrade Fortnight we have been celebrating a handful of Fairtrade cooperatives and the work they are doing for their local communities and the global coffee community.

Koperasi Kopi Wanita Gayo (Kokowagayo), Sumatra

Founded in 2014, Kokowagayo (Gayo Women Coffee Cooperative) was the first women’s only coffee cooperative in Asia. It has now grown to over 550 members from eight villages and boasts organic and Fairtrade certifications.

As well as being focussed on constantly improving coffee yields, processes and quality, the cooperative also funnels its Fairtrade premium money back into family-focussed community projects like childcare centres and healthcare facilities.

Faical Coffee, Peru

Committed to constant improvement and innovation, Faical includes a department solely focussed on improving the skills of their farmers in areas as wide ranging as control of pest plagues, anaerobic fermentation and drying processes.

This work, aimed at enhancing the features of the coffee cup and at raising the yield of the coffee beans, has produced great results!

Unen Choit Cooperative Society, Papua New Guinea

Unen Choit is uniquely positioned in a coastal region of Papua New Guinea where the mountains appear to rise out of the sea. The remote location has meant that for years, farmers carried coffee on their backs for a five-hour trek to the coast and the export market.

Thanks to their Fairtrade certification, facilities have now improved but the 1700 UC farmers continue to strive for unique, high quality, organic coffee.

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