Fast facts

We empower millions of farmers and workers around the world by tackling poverty and poor working conditions, as well as conserving the environment. It’s hope for a better future by making trade fair. See how Fairtrade makes a difference.

Fairtrade fast facts

With your support, Fairtrade has made leaps and bounds for farmers and communities across the globe. It’s thanks to people just like you, as well as the farmers and businesses, who all work together to make trade fair. 

0 Farmers and workers are involved in Fairtrade worldwide
0 Countries and territories where Fairtrade producers operate
0 Fairtrade products are available to shoppers around the world

Fairtrade helps people achieve financial security and obtain more power at the negotiating table, making them less vulnerable to poverty. The Fairtrade Premium enables farmers to invest in strengthening their businesses, improving their local communities and to plan for the future. 

Fairtrade’s work is about being fair to the planet too. We must recognise in the face of a changing climate and increased deforestation that sustainability and regeneration is key. Fairtrade supports farmers in tackling these issues and recommends strategies that can be adopted to enhance sustainable land management practices. Fairtrade is also a strong advocate for organic farming and today 52 percent of all Fairtrade producer organisations are certified organic.

Fairtrade Standards also regulate substances used in farming, including pesticides and other chemicals, while waste management is a vital concern in the mission to care for the natural world.

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