
Here you can find resources to help you talk about your commitment to Fairtrade, campaigns and a bit of the boring stuff (how to use the Mark etc.)

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The Fairtrade ANZ marketing team work to increase awareness of Fairtrade and what we stand for. One of the most effective ways we do this is through promoting and working together with our partners.  

Here’s a guide as to how our marketing team can work with you: 


We have several campaigns each year, with the largest being Fairtrade Fortnight, which takes place at the beginning of August for a two-week period.

For each campaign you’ll be sent a digital toolkit with images, suggested social media posts, a campaign lock up and other materials for use on your own channels. There are often other opportunities to work with us, or with other licensees, especially during Fairtrade Fortnight.  We’ll send you information about getting involved in these through our Quarterly Update newsletter and via email so make sure you’ve provided us with all the best contacts at your company. 

Here are the key dates for our 2025 Marketing Calendar.

  • 8th March International Women’s Day
  • 10th May World Fair Trade Day
  • 4th – 17th August Fairtrade Fortnight



We expect that you’ll want to share the details of your Fairtrade certification with your existing customers and audiences and, of course, we encourage you to do this. To make it easier we have website messaging you can use for your own website as well as a  digital toolkit of photos and text you can change to suit your audience. 


One of the advantages of Fairtrade certification is that you’ve joined a community of like-minded businesses and you’ll be able to make connections and share audiences. To assist this we encourage you to join the Fairtrade Licensee Community on LinkedIn.  Here you can share information, ask questions and connect for joint marketing opportunities. 

Alternatively, if you want help connecting with a particular Fairtrade licensee, just let us know. 



As a new licensee, we’ll post about your products on our social media page and in our Quarterly Update which will reach over 100,000 people. We’ll also follow you on your social media channels. 

We’ll make sure your product is listed on our Product Finder on the Fairtrade ANZ website but we can only do this if you’re product details are all perfect in Connect (see above). 

We’ll supply you with some general information about the farmer cooperatives you source from and then specific profile and Premium stories whenever they are available. If you need something for a particular project, just get in touch and we’ll do our best to help. 



Celebrating your impact

Resources for your channels

Social media posts, images and website information – to tell your customers who you are: a leader in sustainability, empowering farmers and workers, and meeting stringent social, economic and environmental standards.  



Login to Connect

Fairtrade uses an online system to help you maintain and manage your supply chain details, register products for sale and record artwork approvals as well as reporting quarterly sales figures. Your login details were sent to you in your welcome email from us.  

We have developed a series of training videos for Connect that you can access via our YouTube channel.   

You are currently licensed to apply the Fairtrade Mark to all products listed on your profile in Connect. If you wish to add new products, change the product range, composition, supplier or packaging, please update the details in Connect so that they can be approved  

We use our Connect system to provide information about your products and where to buy them in the Product Finder section of the Fairtrade ANZ website (link). This is one of the most visited areas of our website so making sure that your Connect details, including product images, are up-to-date means that you’ll be directing consumers more effectively. 


As a licensee, you can use the internationally recognised and trusted Fairtrade Mark on the products you are licensed for, as well as to promote your Fairtrade products on websites and other promotional materials. 

Documentation on using the Fairtrade Mark and high-resolution files is available on the ‘Documents’ page of Connect. 

Please check that your packaging complies with  the Fairtrade Mark Guidelines relevant to your Licensing Agreement (Cotton Guidelines, ATCB Mark Guidelines or FSI Mark Guidelines). If you are not sure, please contact us at licensing@fairtrade.com.au.

Package designs need to include the relevant Fairtrade sourcing statement and your FLO ID.

Any use of the Fairtrade Mark and Fairtrade sourcing statement must be approved prior to printing or publishing. 

We will make every effort to approve artwork submissions in a timely manner but please allow sufficient time for the approval process, particularly as artwork that does not meet the guidelines will need to be resubmitted.  


Each quarter you need to submit a report of Fairtrade sales via Connect. The dates of these reporting periods are:  

Quarter  Reporting open date  Report Due date  Coverage period 
Q1  1st April  30th April  Sales between 1st January-31st March 
Q2  1st July  31st July  Sales between 1st April-30th June 
Q3  1st October  31st October  Sales between 1st July- 30th September 
Q4  1st January  31st January  Sales between 1st October-31st December 


Please watch the Connect training video titled Topic 5: Sales Reporting. 


Certification and compliance


Part of the reason you have chosen to partner with us is so that your supply train is transparent and regulated. To make sure this is the case, Fairtrade ANZ may from time to time ask to conduct an audit of your records from receipt to despatch, manufacturing facilities, storage and packaging and labelling. All businesses are audited in the first year of licensing, after which the Fairtrade Certificate is issued. Other audits are conducted periodically and on the basis of a risk assessment.  Your company will be contacted well in advance to schedule an on-site audit.  

Your Permission to Trade Certificate expires after 12 months so you will be contacted three months prior to this to get your audit schedule underway. Don’t worry, we’ll give you all the information you need! 


The auditor must be able to take a finished, packaged product and trace it back through documentation to the initial delivery of the raw ingredient from your supplier.  This includes product and artwork approvals so to make it easier, please try and file these documents together 

Find out more

You will have many questions during your Fairtrade journey, so we’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions from our partners across the world. 


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