But first, coffee!

Our morning coffee can be a delightful ritual (or even an absolute necessity!) – but unbeknown to many, there are several challenges small-scale farmers must overcome before you take that first sip.

04 Coffee

Just some of our Fairtrade coffee brands

Where to buy Fairtrade coffee

You can smell the beans already can’t you? There are plenty of Fairtrade coffee options out there to choose from – so make the change to Fairtrade today.

How much can a little bean take

Did you know that coffee is a highly volatile commodity? Coffee farmers are up against a myriad of challenges when it comes to producing crops. This includes price fluctuations, variable weather conditions, disease, pests and now climate change. All these factors threaten coffee output and ultimately,  the livelihoods of up to 125 million people.

Globally, there are about 25 million small-holder coffee producers producing 70-80 percent of the world’s coffee. That’s a lot of coffee! As their name suggests, they own small plots of land (generally about the size of a soccer pitch), produce limited quantities and are often family-run – akin to a small business. What they lack is reliable market information and their smaller yields also mean less bargaining power at the negotiating table. Simply put, when farmers lack this power it means they are not paid a fair price for their produce.

A little Fairtrade goes a long way

Since the first bag of Mexican-produced Fairtrade Coffee was solid in 1988, here’s a snapshot of what Fairtrade coffee looks like around the world:

0 The amount in dollars paid in Fairtrade Premium payments to coffee farming organisations (2019 Monitoring Report, using 2017 data)
0 Farmers across 32 countries work with Fairtrade
0 Of all Fairtrade farmers produce coffee
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