In your school

Get involved to bring Fairtrade to your school. What better place to start spreading awareness about farmers, trade and poverty than at school?

Our choices can contribute to lifting people out of poverty, supporting environmental sustainability, and improving human well being – this is the focus of Fairtrade’s education resources for Primary and Secondary schools. We know the workload of schools and teachers is huge, so we have designed the program to make it easier for teachers to address these topics together with their students.

Meet a family of Fairtrade cocoa farmers

Fairtrade Family Portrait is a four-part film series about a family of cocoa farmers and the difference that Fairtrade has made to their lives.

Become a Fairtrade Guardian of the Rainforest

In the Gola Rainforest of Sierra Leone, a group of cocoa farmers work hard to protect their way of life. Learn from 14-year-old Gbassay, whose family have been cocoa farmers for generations.

Tackle the climate crisis

Step back in time to learn about the inequality at the heart of the climate crisis, and how it is still running through countries today.

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